Stay Connected to Life's Cherished Experiences

Regain Clear Hearing

Audiologist in Downers Grove

happy senior couple with ocean in the background
person in white coat holding an otoscope
man with sound wave illustration near his ear

What would your world be like if life’s sounds were lively and vibrant once more, conversations were once again effortless, and the sound of laughter permeated the room? Hearing loss can cause this soundscape to diminish for many people. 

Are you finding yourself:

Having a difficult time hearing conversation, particularly in loud settings?

Cranking up the volume on the TV to levels that are uncomfortable for others?

Constantly needing people to repeat what they said?

Withdrawing from social settings due to mental fatigue?

These prevalent indications of hearing loss can have a surprising impact on your day-to-day life. Luckily, settling for a muted world is not necessary. A life-changing solution is available with modern, high-tech hearing aids.

Make an appointment for a free hearing assessment with The Hearing Care Clinic in Downers Grove and go forward towards a happier future. 

Meet Our Team

Nancy Congdon, Au.D.

Nancy Congdon, Au.D.

Licensed Doctor of Audiology
Certificate Holder-Tinnitus Management

Nancy Congdon, Au.D.

The Hearing Care Clinic was opened in Downers Grove, Illinois by Nancy Congdon, Au.D., Licensed Doctor of Audiology, in 2004.

Meet Nancy Congdon, Au.D.
Gerda Dirzyte, Au.D.

Gerda Dirzyte, Au.D.

Doctor of Audiology

Gerda Dirzyte, Au.D.

Dr. Gerda Dirzyte earned her Doctorate of Audiology from Northwestern University in 2024.

Meet Gerda Dirzyte, Au.D.

Find Out What Our Satisfied Patients in The Hearing Care Clinic Are Saying

Our top priority at The Hearing Care Clinic is keeping you satisfied. Keeping your hearing in top condition by providing personalized solutions and exceptional care is what we strive for.

Here's How an Audiologist Can Help You Recover the Sounds You Enjoy

Don’t allow the wonderful sounds of your life to be dulled by hearing loss. The joy of clear communication can be rediscovered with the help of The Hearing Care Clinic.

We will establish the severity and type of hearing loss that you’re dealing with by using advanced testing.  Then, together we will formulate a treatment plan that’s personalized for your needs which may include hearing aids. We will find the best solution for you and help you make sure it continues to be effective. We will help you pick out the right hearing aids, complete a fitting, perform any necessary adjustments, and give you support going forward.

Are you ready to reconnect with your world? Be proactive about hearing the vibrant sounds around you by scheduling an appointment with The Hearing Care Clinic.

Hearing Testing in Downers Grove

Hearing Aid Fittings in Downers Grove

Hearing Aid Repairs in Downers Grove

Tinnitus Relief in Downers Grove

Hearing Protection in Downers Grove

Earwax Management in Downers Grove

senior woman being shown different hearing aids
senior woman being shown different hearing aids

Experience the Difference by Choosing The Hearing Care Clinic

Our top priority at The Hearing Care Clinic is the health of your hearing. Our passion is all about helping you recover the ability to hear clearly and your satisfaction is our success. 

Here’s why Downers Grove trusts us:

Regain Clear Hearing

Your happiness and health are our priority.

Customized Treatment Solutions

Your individual needs will determine if you could benefit from hearing aids and find the best fit.

Professional Assistance

The entire process will be guided by our qualified audiologist.

Optimal Comfort

You will get the perfect fit from our custom molds.

Budget-Friendly Solutions

Reasonably priced high-tech hearing aids.

Make an appointment for a free assessment with The Hearing Care Clinic today and hear the difference!