OTC Hearing Aids in Downers Grove
Recent studies have revealed that there is an increased risk of social isolation, cognitive decline, and falling down with even minor hearing loss.
It’s not at all uncommon for people to neglect their hearing loss and avoid getting hearing aids in spite of these disturbing facts. The cost of hearing aids is often the reason for this.
Hearing aids are an investment in your well-being, and it’s important to keep this in mind. At The Hearing Care Clinic, we strive to help people find and afford the right hearing aids for their level of hearing loss and their budget.
Luckily, because of new insurance policies, innovative breakthroughs, and new legislation, hearing aids are becoming more affordable than they used to be.
Over-the-counter sound amplifiers are less expensive than professional hearing aids and can now be purchased from most pharmacies.
But just because you can buy over-the-counter sound amplifiers doesn’t mean it’s ever a good idea to attempt to diagnose and treat hearing loss on your own. A professional hearing test will identify which frequencies you are having a hard time hearing and determine if hearing aids can help. That’s where the science of hearing loss treatment starts.
The clarity of your hearing aids and your ability to understand spoken language will be dependent on factors such as how it’s programmed, how the device fits, and whether it has enough power. Getting a hearing test is always the first thing you should do for these reasons.
Why Does Treating Hearing Loss Have to Start With a Hearing Test?

There are some forms of hearing loss that can’t be effectively treated with over-the-counter sound amplifiers because it’s too severe or too complex. A hearing test is the only way to identify the level and type of hearing loss. That’s why the knowledge obtained by the hearing test will allow us to help you get the best hearing aid for you and the best fit. It’s essential to be aware of which frequencies you are having a hard time hearing so that we can be sure your hearing aids are set up for your hearing loss needs.
Volume is Not The Only Significant Factor
Hearing aids are not simply little sound-amplifying speakers. Hearing aids need to be fine-tuned to address the frequencies that you’re having trouble hearing in a similar way that prescription glasses need to target your particular vision needs. Clear hearing absolutely depends on a properly tuned device.
When it comes to investing in hearing aids, an initial hearing test is essential, but in order to be sure your device continues to address your present level of hearing loss, a yearly appointment is also important.
Another Important Feature is the Ability to Filter Out Background Noise
Professional hearing aids also have some other features that over-the-counter amplifiers lack. Modern hearing aids allow voices to be heard more clearly by using artificial intelligence to filter out background noise. Contemporary hearing aids also often have some advanced features like step tracking, tinnitus control, and Bluetooth connectivity, allowing them to pair wirelessly with your cellphone or smart TV.
"Cheap Hearing Aids" vs Professional Hearing Aids
There are other significant health issues linked to hearing loss besides depression and cognitive decline. You can often have other quality of life and health issues. Neglected hearing loss can also raise healthcare costs by as much as 40%.
Some research indicates that treating hearing loss can improve cognitive clarity. The health of your hearing, as well as your overall health, depends on getting an evaluation.
Schedule a hearing test today to see if hearing aids can help.