Can Hearing Loss be a Result of Too Much Earwax?

Your hearing is often silently sabotaged by earwax accumulation. Earwax is one of your body’s natural defense mechanisms, but if too much of it accumulates, it can result in muffled sounds, discomfort, and a ringing in your ears (tinnitus). Earwax could be responsible for any hearing loss you may be experiencing.

Have Your Earwax Removed in Downers Grove

If you are experiencing hearing loss due to excessive earwax buildup, having it removed by an audiologist is the safest and most effective way to deal with it. Our qualified audiologists will provide you with relief from discomfort and will improve your hearing by thoroughly and gently clearing your ears with specialized tools and techniques. 

Trying to clear out earwax on your own is not recommended. The use of cotton swabs is especially risky because they will often push earwax further into the ear canal, making the blockage even worse. Stubborn earwax can be softened by the use of over-the-counter ear drops, but professional help is required in more persistent cases. Going to an audiologist for earwax removal ensures effective results while minimizing the risk of complications, unlike DIY methods, which can make the blockage worse.

The sensation of a clogged ear often accompanies hearing loss. Schedule a consultation with us if your ears still feel blocked after they have been cleaned.

Does your ear still feel clogged? Our audiologist can improve your hearing health with their skilled techniques and advanced tools. Make an appointment for a consultation today.